Notes from the Field
.In June 2014, Impact Global Health Alliance Global board members traveled to Impact Global Health Alliance Global’s project in Guatemala for the grand opening of a fourth Casa Materna. Rob Fields, Vice Board Chair, reflects on the trip. Fields share his field notes, a truly inspiring and life changing experience highlighting our life saving mission.
“What a wonderful trip and what wonderful work Dr. Valdez and Impact Global Health Alliance Guatemala are doing in this isolated, mountainous region of northern Guatemala. Impact Global Health Alliance Guatemala is now providing health outreach services to more than 200 communities and reaching nearly 100,000 people due to continuous financial support from individuals and organizations in the United States.
Since the first Casa Materna maternal clinic piloted project in 2009, the project constructed 3 additional facilities. These facilities provide a safe space for women to give birth as well as receive prenatal checkups and classes. Even though the project has greatly expanded in the past couple of years, community involvement, cultural sensitivity, and data to evaluate impact remain central to all of the health efforts.
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Reminiscence of change
At most of the stops during our trip, there was a full and free exchange with the women and workers at the Casa Maternas. We asked questions and they answered and asked questions in return. Significantly, the environments allowed women to speak freely about their needs for viable, available, and affordable health care. Additionally, their commitment to secure the best health care possible for themselves and their families has been bolstered. I was later told that this is a marked improvement for communities where just a few years ago death from lack of services and resources was common. Back then, neither health facilities nor the demand for basic health services existed.
Care Group meetings fostering change
We also visited and observed educational activities in homes and typical public health activities including distribution of supplies and services provided through a USAID Child Survival Grant and through an extension program sponsored by the Ministry of Health. Community participation was very high and these activities were well attended by women, children and men. At one Care Group meeting, the husband of the leader came to care for their infant while she led the program for the group. He spoke with us and was very supportive. Throughout these activities ran a theme of female empowerment for the purpose of good health for both mother and child.
The Pett Casa Materna opening
we had the privilege of being guests at the opening of the new Casa Materna Pett in the Santa Eulalia. Members of the community gathered at the Casa Materna, waiting several hours for festivities to begin. Speeches during the ceremony included a full financial report, words from key committee members, greetings and encouragement from the local Mayor, and a blessing of the Casa Materna by a priest.
A large marimba band and traditional dancing accented the festivities which continued throughout the day. Fireworks were repeatedly ignited to celebrate our arrival, the ribbon cutting, and other key moments during the festivities.
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Impact Global Health Alliance Global is able to bring lifesaving interventions like the Casa Materna to high-need communities thanks to the support of our many donors and volunteers. As a Board member, it was wonderful to see the gratitude and outpouring of for the Casa Materna by locals. The community’s dedication to improving the health of their mothers and children is truly inspiring. The Santa Eulalia municipality has the highest maternal mortality rate in the region. In fact its rates rival those of sub-Saharan Africa and are over eight times the Guatemalan national average. Many of the villagers had heard about the extraordinary impact that the Casas Maternas had on other communities. And thus, were excited to have the same services provided in their hometown.”
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