Josephine, our trusted Maternal Newborn Health Team Officer since 2009, completed her time with the Nehnwaa Child Survival Project at the end of January.  Josephine is now the Clinical Supervisor and Instructor of General Nursing at the Winifred J. Harley School of Health Sciences on the Ganta United Methodist Hospital mission station. 

While we are sad to see her go, we are proud that one of our staff was recruited for such a position.  The main goal of the Nehnwaa Project is not only to contribute to a reduction in maternal and child mortality, but also to build the capacity of our staff to be able to participate actively and effectively in the health systems strengthening of Liberia.  By focusing on increasing knowledge and skills, strategies to reduce maternal child mortality will continue to evolve from within the country and thus yield sustainable results. 

Bakary and I are excited for Josephine’s new adventure and although her presence on the team will be missed, we know we will not lose touch because she will be on the Hospital campus – and her closest friend, Hannah (Supervisor for the Maternal Newborn Health Team), is on the Nehnwaa team!  We are proud of you Josephine and we wish you all the best of luck!

Leah, Program Associate 

Picture: Josephine (left) and closest friend, Hannah