Impact Global Health Alliance Global is proud to announce that more than $350,000 was raised through their second-annual Mom-A-Thon fundraiser. The funds will help support the organization’s mission and work in partnering with communities in various countries to provide health services and education to mothers and children around the world.

The 2017 Mom-A-Thon event donations “outpaced” the dollars raised in the unique fundraiser’s inaugural year, 2016, by nearly 300 percent.

Modeled after the traditional 26.2 marathon, residents around the Triangle and North Carolina were encouraged to virtually “run” the Mom-A-Thon by donating $1 to $5 a day for 26 days to raise funds and awareness for mothers and children across the world dying from preventable and treatable illnesses. In the areas of the world where Impact Global Health Alliance serves, donations of just $5 can provide life-saving zinc treatments for 25 children.

Rather than actually running 26 consecutive miles typical to a traditional marathon, participants agreed to, along with their donation, devote a minute a day to daily updates that educate them about the reality facing many mothers and children in the forgotten communities that Impact Global Health Alliance serves.

The 2017 Mom-A-Thon launched on Giving Tuesday on November 28 of last year. The day acts as a reminder to slow down and give back.

“An estimated 5.9 million children won’t see their fifth birthday as a result of preventable and treatable diseases,” said Andrew Herrera, Impact Global Health Alliance Executive Director. “It’s incredible to see the number of lives that can be saved through a minimal donation. We’re honored to be able to bring the support of the Triangle to serve forgotten communities across the globe.”

All fundraiser benefits will go toward the mission of Impact Global Health Alliance Global as they work to provide public health-centered solutions to people in Bolivia, Guatemala, Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Kenya.


Impact Global Health Alliance Global, a nonprofit organization based in Raleigh, seeks to partner with underserved communities around the world to make measurable and sustainable improvements in their health and wellbeing. Through data-driven methods and community-centered solutions, Impact Global Health Alliance aims to see a world free of suffering from treatable and preventable causes. For more information, visit
