To my friends and family at Impact Global Health Alliance Global

I wanted to take a moment during these uncertain times to reach out to you personally and share an update on how Impact Global Health Alliance is responding to the impacts of COVID-19. During this global health crisis – our mission of “hope through health” is more vital than it has ever been.

The health and safety of our communities both at home and abroad is our top priority right now. With that in mind, our team has decided to cancel all international trips and meetings for the time being. Despite the interruptions, we are committed to serving where we are needed – even if we can’t be there physically.

Our global infrastructure of health workers are tirelessly working to educate families about COVID-19 and the gravity of this pandemic. To help facilitate this education, we launched a training module at all of our project sites, which will support thousands of peer-to-peer trainers who are diligently educating as many families as possible about the coronavirus.

Here at home, to serve our Hispanic community, volunteers are calling the 15,000 families who depend on resources, information and support from the Guatemalan Consulate of North Carolina. As part of our Window to Health program, we are committed to ensuring these people are getting as much evidence-based information as possible to prevent the spread of the virus. Alongside the Consulate, we are helping to connect local Latinos to the resources and allies they need during this time.

We want to thank you for working with us and supporting the Impact Global Health Alliance mission during this time. As we assess our programs and resources, we will continue to be vigilant in our efforts to improve the health of underserved communities and lives of vulnerable women and children.

We have been so privileged to serve the forgotten communities of the world for nearly 40 years, and we will continue to do so.

For more information on how you can continue to support our efforts during this time, please do not hesitate to email me Andrew {at} curamericas {.} org

We all thank you for your commitment to our mission and your continued support.

Please stay safe and healthy.

Andrew Herrera

Executive Director, Impact Global Health Alliance Global